Nov 05, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here so this week my daddy's down and we had a conversation yesterday about how to release the golf club and there's a little bit of confusion from him because he was being you know he'd seen a lot of YouTube videos and he'd been some people are talking about rolling the hands around through the impact area some people are talking about rotating through and holding the club much more stable he's a little bit confused about when do you release you know if he knows that you're not supposed to release from here but when you hold this angle down here when do you release that angle and I thought well look why don't we create a video for my dad but I thought you might benefit you too because it has been a popular question on my channel so what we're going to discuss is is what actually happens at the impact area through there so you can actually hit much much straighter shots when do you release how do you release etc but it's a little bit of a trick question and one reason why I haven't created a video is because the release happens so fast the release itself is often a byproduct of how or of a delivery position that that happens before release right so we can talk about trying to get into a great position here so ideally you'll see a lot of players in the release position where what's happened is they've turned here with the form this triangle here the arms are pointing directly forward there's a turn of the hips and they're extended out in front of them well that's great but the problem is if you're in the wrong delivery position beforehand and I teach you that you'll never get there right and as always having this conversation with my dad he was saying look Danny here and you know I'm when I'm swinging I'm suing I want to know what to do from here you know I had went over to release there or and as I'm showing him this what do you see here his club he's so far behind him that he can't ever really get into that position and with a nice stable club head because from here from this delivery position coming in the club is too far inside here and from here if he swung through it he'd go to the right so his release always has to be a role of the wrists in order to correct that right in vice-versa t you're going to get some people with a delivery position that's coming from out to in right and when they when they release now if they release it through here they'd hit it left so they have to then they have to manufacture a different type of release which is holding a blade open to cut it right so there is absolutely no point in working on a release here until we saw it potentially your delivery position out okay does that make sense so the next question is is what is the correct delivery position how and how do you get into it it's really really simple what we're going to try and do here is this okay I want to show you a couple of angles nice and simple what we do is we want to get imagine this this is a 90-degree angle here right what I'm going to do now is I'm going to move the club I'm just going to simply put it a 45 degree angle here right so this is 90 this is 90 I'm going to move the club into a 45 degree angle here with my right hand on top from this position I'm going to move the club up here right and then watch this as I come back down here I'm going to move it back into this position here and it's back in look as a 45-degree angle but what you'll see here in a second is the hip line here is also at 45 degrees here and if you look from this position here I do from this angle here as I swing up and I come back down here notice the butt here their hips are open right and they're almost the hips now I'm matching the shaft line from there I'm in a wonderful position to strike that ball right and from this position there's going to be no flip why because I'm tacky from the right place there's gonna be no slice because I'm not tucking outside I'm working it up here working it back down a 45 degree angle now from this position all I'm going to do now is continue allow the way to the club to drop now to the ground as they come through and that then becomes my release okay so that is the most important thing about getting into the correct release position is what we want to be able to do is you've got to get into delivery first me show you that again how have we done this we take the club from here that's 90 degrees that's 9 degrees we're gonna move the club to 45 here we're gonna work you up now right okay nice and high now from this position here as I bring down I'm gonna hold my frame I don't wanna be turning now I want to hold this part my frame and as I move downwards now my hips have moved to 45 the club has moved to a 45 degree angle and I'm now in a perfect delivery position to strike that ball from there I just let the club flow through let me show you what this looks like in action so from here working back we're at the club up in position we're going to back down a 45 here 45 there where we go back and through and the great thing about this is as you're doing this you can see here I'm continuing the downforce on the ball alright so I'm still getting the pressure okay the pressures going down that's how we release it we don't be releasing this way because the pressures going away from the ball this way I'm coming up I'm releasing the club down pulling the club down here the hips have moved to 45 the club's matching that 45 degree angle here and from there I keep the downforce on and my body beautifully reacts and I fire that ball nice and straight now let me show you how this works with a driver and also using an extra training aid so here I am now looking at a driver swing right so does the same thing work with a driver and the answer is absolutely so what we've done here is we're getting yourself set up now I'm going to put in the top left hand corner here a video that I did you put on a week or so ago and using this exact exercise right but it'll really help you understand how you move through the shot with the drive using the same principles so watch this so you basically lead hand put it on top you your back hand put it underneath get yourself set now we driver most people have missed they're often trying to work the body too far around here the club around the body we do not want that what we want here is we want to work the club up into position right now from this position as we come down right lower bodies leading this Martian right below Boyd is leading with putting pressure into the ground with a lower body now watch this as you get now look at that that's the delivery position what do you see everything now hips 45 Pole 45 now from here we're simply just going to continue letting them gravity fall through and the difference between this and an iron shot is because the balls forward now as opposed to back watch this this would be an iron as they come back down here I'm rotating my lower body but both this is resisting slightly I get to that 45 degree angle and then bang I'm striking the ground right but we driver watch this the balls forwards are now watch as the boss forward I now naturally start to strike up on that ball so we get from here that's the pressure down and then watch this as we get to here there's a firing upwards that is how we then get the strike we drive it and we get the launch free driver all right let me show you how this works so
so we driver what we're gonna do here is exactly the same Swede gets off set we come back we're working it up here we're going to bring it back down look into those 45-degree angles here so my hips now 45 delivery positions perfect it's not stuck inside it's not out there it's coming back to 45 I haven't opened up my body here firing in position there from there I'm gonna allow my gravity to fire through now let the great fall through my body react to that movement and serve a look
pretty good for the first one of the day okay so look look at the common misconception see I wanted to teach you how do you release the golf club through the impact area look most of us know now that when we come through we want to in a sense be in this position here where we're stretching we've got a triangle here and we're pointing in front of us here with our hips turn through the problem is getting there is not as simple as it sounds you know if you're in the wrong delivery position just before you're gonna have to kind of make some compensations right so if you if the club is attacking too much from this position as my dad was you're going to have to roll your wrists if your club is attacking too much from this position while you're the over-the-top typical slicer you're gonna have to open the clubface otherwise your balls going to the left hence the slice so the key thing to understand is what we want to try and do here to get the correct release we've got to get the club working up into position here and then when we here we want to get the club back into delivery so as we're turning back down we look from the ground upwards we're turning back down here we're getting the club back into literally delivery 45 here look at my hips here again 45 club pointing my butt's pointing just missing my left hip from there well you can hit it very hard and keep the conference is very very square that is how you get the correct release every single time so I hope this really really helps I know it's a confusing subject sometimes but remember the release is just simply a byproduct of what goes on before get this right before and you'll be onto a winner all right so I hope my dad enjoys this one I hope you do that and but if you do and he thinks of your friends might enjoy them don't forget to share it I really appreciate it and of course if you enjoy the content and you like to receive it in your inbox every week don't forget to press the subscribe button and the bell until next week have a great golfing week